Weekly Rainfall Forecast 31 Oct-06 Nov 2023
- The trend of moderate precipitation that has been pouring over the Puntland regions in the past few weeks is continuing and is anticipated to receive moderate rains in the coming week, excluding the Caluula district.
- The accumulative rainfall forecast map indicates that moderate rainfall, with an amount ranging from 50 to 100 mm, is expected in the districts of Xudun, Taleex, Qardho, Dangoroyo, and Burtinle.
- According to the weekly rainfall forecast map, Ceerigaabo district is expected to receive more than 200mm of rain, which could result in negative impacts and destructive floods.
- The communities in the flood-prone areas of the above-mentioned districts are advised to take care until November 6, 2023.
Users are advised that this is a forecast, and at times there may be discrepancies between estimates and the actual amounts of rainfall received. During the rainy season, IMC will produce an updated forecast on a weekly basis.
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