Weekly Rainfall Forecast 03-09 OCTOBER 2023
- According to the cumulative rainfall forecast from 3-9 October, some areas of Puntland will likely receive moderate rain.
- Mudug, Nugaal Cayn, Sool, Sanaag, Haylaan, and Karkaar regions are anticipated to have moderate rains in the range of 20 to 50 mm.
- According to the weekly rainfall forecast map, the Taleex district may get more than 100mm of rainfall, which could have a negative impact on downstream areas, including the Qardho district.
- The communities in the flood-prone areas of Qardho, Badhan, and Dhahar districts are advised to take care until 09 October.
Users are advised that this is a forecast, and there may be discrepancies between estimates and actual amounts of rainfall received. During the rainy season, IMC will produce updated forecasts on a weekly basis.
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