Gu’ Rainfall Performance and Pasture Condition Updates in Puntland
The performance of the 2023 Gu rainy season varied throughout Puntland, with many locations experiencing average to below-average rainfall with the exception of Balli-Dhiddin, Qardho, Garowe, and Las’anod Districts, which recorded above-normal rainfall in accordance with the observed data from the rain gauge stations.
The annual precipitation began in the second week of March and persisted until the first week of June, and distributed across Puntland regions.
According to the rainfall performance [map1] which shows the cumulative rainfall from March-June (MAMJ), the regions of Nugaal, Karkaar, Haylaan, Sanaag, and some localized areas of the Sool region received good amounts of rain, above 150mm, whilst the Cayn region and parts of Mudug received moderate rains, in the range of 100mm.
The regions Bari, Gardafu, and coastal districts experienced light cumulative rains of less than 50mm, as shown on the performance map above and observed data from the rain-gauge stations.

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