Normalized Difference of Vegetation Index(NDVI) Time series Anomaly
Comparison of satellite-derived Normalized Difference of Vegetation Index(NDVI) anomaly time series data shows the changes in vegetation cover and Pasture condition from year to year.
The Green Colors of May 2020 and May 2021 Map’s indicate increased vegetation and pasture condition for all Puntland districts due to good GU rainfall distribution whereas in May 2022 Map indicates a complete loss of vegetation cover and pasture condition for all Puntland regions due to inadequate Gu’ rainfall distribution which can’t alleviate vegetation deficits.
As a result of no positive change in vegetation cover, Pastoral communities are encountering browse and pasture loss for their livestock, weakening animal body conditions, and Massive animal death from starvation and diseases, and Many pastoral house-holds especially poor ones will be unable to afford food and water for both their families and livestock.