Puntland weekly Rainfall forecast 16-22 April
- Extreme drought conditions persist and it is affecting many livelihood sectors in all regions of Puntland.
- According to the prospect of the onset of Gu’ season this week, there is a high expectation that it will rain in some areas of Puntland. meanwhile, the impact of the current extreme drought conditions could still be visible in those areas.
- Regions of Mudug, Sool, Cayn, and districts of Garowe, Burtinle, and Dhahar are expected to receive an average rainfall of 30-40 mm during 18-22 April.
- Jariban district, Sool, and Nugal valleys are expected to receive an amount of rainfall ranging between 50-70 mm in the same period.
- Areas that may not receive rainfall this week and still experiencing extreme droughts include regions of Bari, Karkar, Gardafu, and some of the coastal districts of Puntland, If the onset of Gu’ season continues to delay, it may exacerbate the existing drought conditions in Puntland and may result in a famine.
- Map 1 & 2 indicate three to seven days of accumulative rainfall forecast respectively.
Users are advised that this is a forecast and at times there may be discrepancies between estimates and actual amounts of rainfall received. we will produce weekly rainfall forecasts during Gu’ season.
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