March 19, 2022
By: admin / 2 Comments
Puntland Drought Update
- Many parts of Puntland remain generally dry leading to persistence of severe to extreme drought conditions. Pasture and water are in a complete depletion in key pastoral livelihoods across Puntland.
- Mudug basin, Southern-east part of Haud plateau, Nugal Valley, Karkar Plateau and part of Dharoor Valley are the most livelihood zones affected by the current drought conditions.
- Specifically, Jarriban, Goldogob, Gaalkacyo, Xarfo, Buurtinle, Garowe, Godobjiiran, Eyl, Dongoroyo, Qardho, Rako, Xaafuun and Iskushuban districts are in extreme drought conditions. The rest of the districts are in severe conditions.
- Map 1 shows the drought severity in Puntland.
- Severe water crises have resulted to increased water trucking and prices, which pastoral and agro-pastoral households meet through increased debt accumulation on and/or livestock sales.
- The high water demand is also overstretching the few functional permanent water sources.
- Most of the communities in the drought effected areas are largely depending on water tracking which leads to a huge pressure to already depleting water tables. Rehabilitation of boreholes and natural springs are very essential in this critical time.
- Preliminary results from the ongoing strategic water survey in Puntland indicate that 60% of the strategic water sources are operating more than 12 hours per day.
- On other hand, there is spike water trucking whereby a significant number of strategic water sources serve more than 15 water trucks per day.
- Map 2 & 3 shows the operation hours and water trucking activities of the strategic water sources respectively.

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